Many churches are on the backside of VBS. The decorations are down. The kitchen has recovered. The children have moved on to whatever the rest of the summer may bring. As leaders, it is easy to move on from VBS as well. We began planning for this event a few months back. Acquiring leaders, training them, ordering materials, and ensuring the building was ready filled our days and sometimes nights.
The week of VBS, we were all in with the music, teaching, crafts, and most importantly, sharing the gospel. We finished the week and are exhausted, but it is not over yet. Some of the most critical aspects of VBS may not have taken place yet. Here are some things to consider as it is now time to follow up with those new families and children participating in our VBS.
Connect them to Jesus - Children or adults may have decided to follow Christ. What plan will help these begin to take their next steps in Christ? The leader who had the part of helping with this important decision should be involved in the follow-up.
Connect to a Prospect - Connect with new families participating in your VBS. Each of these families noticed your church and took time to see that their child arrived and was picked up each day because of some interest in your church. We must show an interest in them.
Connect to a Group – Most churches will have some level of Sunday School or children’s group that meets regularly at the church. Invite the children and their families to be a part. It is also an excellent time to start a new group or Sunday School class as we have a recent connection with these new families.
Connect by Communication – Whatever your church does to communicate its activities each week, ensure you are regularly in contact with those who attended your VBS.
Once we have followed through with Vacation Bible School, we must continue reaching and discipling children and their families as we follow through with a plan to use VBS as a consistent tool to connect with families in our community.